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7 Castor Oil Uses & Benefits You Didn't Know About
Castor oil is one of the most versatile oils on earth. It is used in cooking, cleaning, beauty products, and more! Read about castor...

Haitian Black Castor Oil For Locs
In this article, we'll explain why your locs deserve Haitian Black Castor Oil. Of all the different oils on the market (and trust us,...

3 DIY Haitian Black Castor Oil Masks for Restoring Damaged Natural Hair
If you suffer from hair loss or dry scalp, here are 3 Haitian black castor oil hair masks that will work to repair and strengthen your damag

Haitian Black Castor Oil for Alopecia
Chemical alopecia is a result of the long term use of bleaches, dyes, and relaxers.

Haitian Black Castor Oil Benefits
HBCO can be used on the scalp to help prevent and remedy hair loss and it is effective for several reasons. Its antibacterial and antifungal

3 Ways To Include Haitian Black Castor Oil Into Your Hair Routine
If you suffer from dry, brittle hair, using Haitian Black Castor Oil as a moisture sealant may be your best solution.

Haitian Black Castor Oil for Hair Growth
The Omega-9 fatty acid content in ricinoleic acid helps trigger hair growth, fight baldness & thinning hair. It adds strength to each follic
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